There are many ways to take care of plants successfully. Some of these tools and product recommendations are helpful but certainly are not necessary to be successful with plant care. Check out my free plant care guide, which has lots of great beginner plant tips and tricks as well.
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Grow Lights Most plants would be happy with more light. If your plant isn’t near a window and doesn’t have a clear view of the sky, it might benefit from some artificial lighting. Barrina has some great plug-and-play options in differing sizes, which can be paired with a simple timer. Your plants will thank you!
Plant Stands are a great way to display your plant collection. You can pair these with the one foot Barrina lights.
Moisture Meter This can be a controversial topic in the plant community but personally, I feel that using a moisture meter in conjunction with other tools, can be helpful to determine if your planting medium has dried out enough to be watered. I wouldn’t rely soley on a moisture meter to make this determination but it’s a helpful tool, especially when you are first trying to figure out how frequently to water your plant.
General Hydroponics Fertilizing System - this is great for all of your watering needs, whether your plant is in soil, LECA, or in full water culture.
Espoma Organic Grow Fertilizer The larger bottles have an easy dosing cup to measure exactly what you need. I’ve used this full strength monthly or half or quarter strength at each watering.
Superthrive - this is a great nutrient boost that can be used with any fertilizing system.
Systemic Insecticide Granules - this is a great preventative for pests but make sure you repeat as necessary per manufacturer directions.
Diatomaceous Earth - this is another great pest control option but take care not to allow this fine powder to end up airborne.
Insecticidal Soap - Pests are an unfortunate problem that every plant parent faces at some point. Insecticidal soap can be used to treat or prevent pests. Most formulas do not treat for mites so you’ll want to use a separate miticide for those.